ATTENTION: we are not able to manually translate the entire content of the platform because the platform is growing very fast. The content is entered in English and translated automatically. We apologize if there are mistakes in text which are caused by automatic translation. Because we are trying to help the growing international community of Oziway users, we think that it is more important to deliver the content in many languages to many people, at least in a way which is mostly correct (even if it has mistakes), than to omit many people. We will try to fix the most obvious translation mistakes.

How to change the products listed on your website

When you register and you don’t choose any categories, you are assigned products from our “looking for distributors” website

Lets see how we can change that

First, login to your dashboard (login button on the top right corner)

You must login using the email address that you used when you registered. If you don’t remember your password, please click the “Forgot Your Password” function



When you login to the dashboard, you will see 4 menus: My Account, Messages, Seller and Promoter. My Account is where you edit general settings common for every type of user, things like name, email, password and also tax information which you will need to enter before your first payment. Messages is where you can communicate with buyers, sellers or the administrator. The Oziway messenger is very useful because it automatically translates messages between different languages. If you are a Spanish speaking buyer and you are talking to a Seller from China, the Seller will write to you in Chinese but you will see the message in Spanish. When you reply in Spanish, they will see the answer in Chinese. The Seller menu is where you can post new items on Oziway and you can also process received orders. And the Promoter menu is where you have all the options relative to promoting. We need to go there to edit our website



Click on Promoter menu and then Edit Website like below. You will have 3 different sections available



Section1: this is the general tab, like the name and address of your website, the code of the website (if you want to enable someone to copy your website) or the marketing slogans (which are visible on the website)



Section2: Graphical changes. Here is where you choose from a library of available banners and profile pictures, or you can upload your own



Section3: Content, this is the section that we are interested in now, here we will modify the products visible on our page



Let’s start. First, let’s make sure that the changes to the products you make, will be permanent. Your site will probably be linked to another site, which was copied for you when you registered. This means that your website automatically synchronizes with that shop every day. New products that the model shop adds, are also added to your site. The ordering of the products is also synchronized. But this goes both ways. If you add a product to your website (but the model shop doesn’t have that product), after the synchronization the products will disappear

To stop this synchronization, delete the code in the “Create Predefined Website from code” section and click UPDATE



Next, decide which of these sections you want available on your website, the New Products, Random and Popular products. You can remove all of them or just some

The next picture is an example of how these sections look like

The entire page with those sections looks like this


And the sections feature Recently added products, Popular products or just random offers



You don’t need any, but remember, that if someone buys a product from your website / even from these additional product sections (even if you don’t have the product in your website, only in these sections), you still receive a commission. You decide if you want to leave them or delete them

To remove these products, just unclick the boxes in the section like below



Next, you will need to remove all the default products from your website, because you will want to add your own. GO to the Your Products section, click on the products that you want to remove and click REMOVE FROM WEBSITE like in the picture below



Next, decide how you want to search for the products that you want to add to your website. Do you want to search individual offers, or maybe entire categories, or maybe entire portfolios of a Seller? You can use a mix also, so you can choose a seller’s portfolio by their email, and add a category and even add individual products

Make the choice and choose like below



If you choose the Offers option, you will need to search for each item and add it to your shop. You can search for the item on the Dashboard (Search and Select single offers section), or you can go to the product page of that Product and click the ADD TO SHOP button to add it to your shop, look at the picture below



To add an entire portfolio of a seller, click the SELLERS option and enter the email of the seller whose portfolio you want to promote. This can be your email or the email of other sellers. You can promote the portfolio of many sellers, not just one



Click SAVE and your shop will now show the new portfolio




Do you want to read more interesting articles on the Oziway Platform?

Below you will find interesting articles on different topics

- How to start promoting : click the link here

- Create a website by copying a template : click the link here

- How to start selling : click the link here

- How to add a product via email : click the link here

- A list of all the countries where Oziway has a website : click the link here

- General Help Section : click the link here

- How the Oziway system works : click the link here

- How much money can be earned : click the link here

- General FAQ (Frequently asked questions) : click the link here

- How to choose a particular Sellers offer : click the link here

- How to publish a Wholesale Product : click the link here

- How to create a custom offer from Wholesale Products : click the link here

- List of all categories (you can use this while posting products by email : click the link here

- How to modify the products on your website (after you received the default website during registration): click the link here

- How to add a request if you don't find what you were looking for: click the link here

- How to import from China securely: click the link here
